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email us if you need more info

How much are tickets?
We are working out the details, will let you know as soon as possible. We are hoping to keep costs reasonable, the more people who come, the lower the cost!

How can I help?
Spread the word! Tell everyone you are in contact with, send them to the website and email us. Let us know you have seen this, and also if you're interested in attending. We will be looking for various things along the way, we will keep you in the loop.

Are you looking for Sponorships?
Any help makes the cost of the event less, so if any of you have things to donate or have a company that would like to help sponsor the event, we're all ears! Email us and let us know. 

I'm coming from out of town, where should I stay?
We have booked a block of 10 rooms at the Delta Hotel (Southland). $139 includes breakfast, call the hotel or email us for more information.

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