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Virtual Art Gallery
Temple B’nai Tikvah is pleased to present "How Art Thou?", the Virtual Art Gallery's inaugural exhibition. The theme is a lighthearted way of approaching self-reflection, rumination and reconciliation that permeate the Days of Awe.
At this time of the year the Jewish world asks itself, “How are we doing?” both individually and collectively. This year the question is even more poignant as we struggle with the challenges and losses from the Covid-19 crisis. The ancient questions asked on Yom Kippur in the Untennah Tokef, how many will pass from the earth and how many will be created…who will die after a long life and who before his time…”, are especially relevant as the world grapples with the Pandemic and how to defend ourselves.
Exhibiting artists have chosen their approach “How Art Thou?” with works that lift our spirits, helping us rise above the present worries of this time; works may also address its deeper themes, its darker meanings.
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